Replacing an LCD Display on a Laptop

The other day, my laptop display started showing a white line about 1/4 way from the left edge that ran from top to bottom. I knew it was a hardware problem from the beginning. I contacted support at Dell and after many attempts to fix and scan the problem in software, they finally relented and decided to send me replacement hardware. This was at 5:30pm pacific time.

I offered to replace it myself rather than have a tech come out. It sounded cool. They sent me a link with instructions. The replacement arrived the next day! That was fast!


I followed the instructions this evening after dinner. I had to do everything on the page except remove and replace the display latch. I think it took just over an hour to complete. The hardest part was just getting the plastic display bezel off and handling all the tiny, tiny screws without losing them.

At one point, I had put 6 little screws on a card to keep them out of harms way. Later, I forgot I did this and picked the card up to move it and the screws went flying all over the dining room floor. I was so glad I found all of them.


OTBN.... post-game wrap-up.


TGIF and OTBN..... Woo woo.