Jeffrey Alex Behar - 1/3 of the Size of Jill Already!

My (Jill) sister, Lisa, gave birth this afternoon at around 3pm (EST) to a healthy baby boy named Jeffrey Alex (note witty commentary in the caption area of the screen). Jeff weighed in at 7 lbs and 7 oz., but the most interesting part was that he was measured at 21 inches. Now being that I am vertically challenged at 59 1/2 inches, it made me think.... and wow, my newborn nephew is already 1/3 of my size.

When I informed my family of this tidbit, there was laughter all around as I am technically the shortest of the clan and it was deemed, "the line of the day". But what makes me laugh is that my sister is only 3 inches taller (see picture to right) than me and the rest of my family is not exactly crawling with genes from the Jolly Green Giant. Anyway thank goodness the kid inherited a height gene from the Behar side.

Jarrett sent a few pics over from his phone with one entitled, "Consor Cheeks, Behar Nose". I'll have to go through some of my pictures of Lisa and Jarrett to ascertain if the nose thing is cause for concern. :-)

More tomorrow.... was going to publish something based on all of the news from the last week, but thought not-so-lil' Jeff should have the spotlight.


Some Progress, But We Still Got Some Work To Do.....


New Mobile Phone