Being disconnected for 5 ½ hours allows you to….

I guess the term 'disconnected' is somewhat relative. To me, it means no internet, no mobile phone, no incoming e-mail, etc. But I guess I still have my laptop and decided to download some goodies for me to read for my 'disconnected' period. For the most part, I have been spending time in the Dining & Wine section of the New York Times catching up on articles from the past couple of weeks. You may have heard about the ongoing food coma that has been taking place since about mid-May for Marc and I. Unfortunately for me, it continues for another week.

Anyway here were some of my favorites:

  1. Cupcakes with publicists?
  2. Revolt against the chicken fingers!
  3. Bottled water does not really help the environment.
  4. And my homeland (L-AW-NG EYE-SLAND) is starting to produce some great wines. Maybe Marc and I will have to venture out?

And I save the best for last…. I mentioned during a previous post that Copper River Salmon is in season and Marc actually enjoyed some Sockeye (as opposed to King Copper River Salmon) on a recent visit to Herb Farm. So while we were dining at the restaurant, I picked up Chef Traunfeld's most recent book because it seemed more thought-out and easier to understand than his previous one. I promised myself that when we got back from our wine country trip that I would try and take advantage of it still being the Copper River Salmon season, and attempt to cook some for Marc that he would deem edible and possibly eat again.

[NOTE: About 2-3 years ago, I grilled some Copper River Salmon for Marc and he didn't appreciate it from the get-go – barely go through 2 bites – so I knew my work was cut out for me.]

I decided to go for the Slow-Roasted Salmon with Fresh Herbs recipe in The Herbal Kitchen, and picked up some sockeye based on our recent dining adventures, advice from the fishmonger and Marc's severe dislike of any real "fishy" scent. I am happy to report that he ate the entire dish and maybe even liked it? (One of the advantages of being married to "an oversized child" is that their expressions tend to be very genuine and that they don't tend to fake it if they don't like something.) Unfortunately I forgot to cut the herb sauce ingredients in half, so the sauce may have been "too herby" but I am going to try it again one more time before the Copper River season ends. Wow – halibut, crab, salmon…. Marc is really starting to get into "eating his own kind". J


Adventures in Orlando….


Wine Tasting Class at CIA