Cheering for the Evil Empire

Happy Holidays everyone! Hope you and your families are enjoying some fun times.

We have definitely been neglecting our blog entries over the past 2 1/2 months, so stay tuned for a bunch of entries over the next few days.

Three months ago, I blogged about what I thought the Yanks would do over the winter to prepare for the 2009 season, which you can read about in detail

For those who don't want the full deal, let's recap, ok?
  • Cashman stays - CHECK.
  • Giambi is gone - CHECK.
  • Abreu offered arbitration and the Yanks will leave it at that - DING. No arbitration offered.
  • Pavano is gone - CHECK.
  • Pettite is gone - Still outstanding, but most likely I think I will end up being right on this one.
  • Mussina will be offered a one-year deal - DING. He retired before a deal came about.
  • Cano will be traded - Still outstanding, but most likely I will be wrong on this one.
  • CC is not coming to the Yanks - DING. OK, we know how wrong I was on that one. Welcome CC!
  • AJ is coming to the Yanks - CHECK.
  • No Ben Sheets - Still outstanding, but most likely I think I will end up being right on this one.
  • No K-Rod - CHECK.
  • No Derek Lowe - Still outstanding, but most likely I think I will end up being right on this one.
  • Brian Fuentes to the Yanks - Still outstanding, but most likely I will be wrong on this one.

So thus far, my score is 5 correct (CHECK), 3 incorrect (DING), 3 trending correct, 2 trending correct.

Now I am unsure how to score the Mark Texiera deal in terms of my predictions since I left him out completely. I just assumed Boston would get him as they felt they had a glaring need there. But HOLY COW (to channel Phil Rizzuto)! Cashman pulling that off in stealth mode was a huge surprise. I am still unsure if I am more happy that the Red Sox didn't get him or that he is going to be playing for the Yanks!

But I'll tell you that I am really excited for the 2009 season. Bring it on!


An Overdue Entry on Some Culinary Adventures


Nothing posted in a while so…