Taking in Barbados.

So after we made it to Barbados without getting arrested or having our bag confiscated, we were able to focus on fun and relaxation. Greg, Kate, Conor and Ryan were really tremendous hosts between loaning us a car with GPS (very necessary), recommended sights to see and great perspective on their lives abroad.

We checked out beaches all over the island and got to see Bathsheba and have a lovely lunch at a quiet resort away from much of the hustle and bustle taking place on the rest of the island. Given it's location, you would think Barbados would have an overabundance of fresh produce. Not so much actually. It's been so overdeveloped, the only crop that is really grown here is sugarcane, which is used for making rum.  We actually were able to take a tour of a rum factory while we were here and Marc's love of fine rum was rekindled.

Greg and Kate took us to fun and casual restaurants. One was a shack literally on a secluded beach where I was able to sample some local seafood and Marc had jerk chicken, so we just took in the atmosphere and enjoyed it all. I managed to squeeze in a run on one of the morning's we were there and may have discovered new sweat glands. It was so humid that I was asked when I was done if I was rained on because I was so drenched. Go figure. I also made up a Crossfit WOD with jump rope and a few other things just to keep active since walking around the island wasn't as much of an option as we were hoping. The roads aren't conducive to pedestrians.

On one of the days, we golfed at the famous Sandy Lane resort. We didn't golf on the world renowned 'Green Monkey' course because a round of golf cost $12000 USD (no, that isn't a typo). Marc and I are all into having a great experience but that was a bit steep for us. We golfed the more reasonably priced 'Country Club' course on the property and had lunch afterwards, where it proceeded to DUMP rain down in buckets! Wow, we got lucky on our round. The course was ok, but Marc and I couldn't fathom what would be so great about the 'Green Monkey' that would make someone pay that kind of cash for a round of golf. Maybe to golf with someone on the PGA Tour? Anyway...

One of the other days had us going on a snorkeling and whale watching tour. The weather was a bit iffy in terms of rain/clouds, but it was sure hot and humid. We spent the morning walking around Bridgeport and then getting on the boat. We enjoyed seeing some fish and an ancient shipwreck up close. The 2nd half of the trip got very interesting in a hurry as a couple of whales were out and about, plus the wind was picking up. It was a fun roller coaster ride and we definitely saw plenty of whale action! Wow. We weren't sure if this was the season for them to be around, but who cares... we got lucky and had a really great time!

Marc and I really enjoyed our time with Greg, Kate and their sons. We learned a lot about some of the regional challenges facing the Caribbean from political, sociological and economic perspectives, which we appreciated. Plus we talked about some of the challenges and sacrifices that they make for Greg's career. Many things that we take for granted. Heck, Kate was beyond ecstatic that we brought in stuff from Trader Joe's when we arrived! And she misses Costco.... a lot! 

I think Marc and I have seen everything there is to see on Barbados, so we are thankful that we had the opportunity to see and learn about a part of the world that probably wouldn't have happened had we not known Greg.


Miami -- Sure, Why Not?


All We Need Is a Golf Bag, Contraband and What Else?