19 Jan : Melbourne

Birthday! Chris and I share the 19th as a birthday. +Jill wanted me to get up and run but somehow I managed to sleep in which was nice.

Marc finally getting to another major outside of the US Open!
As I lounged around, Jill and Shelly went to the local South Melbourne market. Then off we walked to the Aussie Open! We walked around the tennis center a little before deciding our own seats at Rod Laver Arena were probably the best place to be based on the Saturday crowds.
Azarenka (eventual champ) serving to Hampton
We ended up with a GREAT match between #1 Azaranka and Jamie Hampton. Hampton fought off pain from two herniated disks, cramping, and dehydration to make it somewhat interesting. We also ended up with the Barry White voiced ump which was fun to hear.   Some ladies behind us called out the score of deuce at one point only to have our ump call it out immediately thereafter. Then there was the begrudging sigh from Shelly and Jill and acknowledgement that he just said it better.

Great view of the action from Rod Laver Arena
We walked around the grounds for quite a while checking it all out before deciding once again that our seats were the best despite being in the sun on a "cool" day. It was hot in the arena with no breeze there.
Andy Murray going for the serve

Once Andy Murray defeated Barankis, we found some water and walked home for some home cooking including steaks on the barbie. We opened up at Purple Teeth Cellars Viognier to kick things off along with some nice Shirazes and a tawny port from Rutherglen. We capped the meal off with a gluten free chocolate cake. 
Marc is such a friendly chap and always making friends
My quote of the evening: "Chris, I'd like to thank you for being gluten free because our [shared] birthday cake is chocolate through and through." Or something like that.
Shelly, Chris, Marc and Jill during a changeover

20 Jan: Melbourne (VIC) --> Rutherglen (VIC).


18 Jan : Melbourne [By Bike]