10 Feb: Bicheno (TAS) --> Freycinet Peninsula (TAS) --> Bicheno (TAS).

I was really excited for today's hike because it was going to be along a couple of beaches, which I knew +Marc would enjoy being Mr. WaterClown and all. The weather forecast had the morning as the best part of the day with respect to sunshine, so off we went to the Freycinet Peninsula -- home of Freycinet National Park.

Wineglass Bay on the Freycinet Peninsula
The hike was a circuit (aka loop) around Wineglass Bay and then along Hazards Beach along the Great Oyster Bay (oddly enough, I grew up in the township of Oyster Bay in NY). It was pretty sunny when we started and also very crowded on the trail. It was a Sunday so more people were out for sure, but the main lookout, which is where most people stop was in the 1st mile of the hike.

The lookout was great and we saw the beach which is on Wineglass Bay (gorgeous). We then moved to actually walk along that same beach. Met a couple from San Francisco, which was fun. They were still lamenting their Super Bowl loss but still in great spirits enjoying their time in Australia. We walked along the beach and boy - was that water cold!?!

After going in knee high, Marc and I set off for the rest of the hike. It crossed over a small ridge to Hazards Beach, which was also really nice. A couple more clouds came in, but we were still able to see clearly through the water as we hiked. We finished what was a fun hike, although the trail was crowded, and then ventured over to the Freycinet Lodge for a well-earned burger and chips. 

After cleaning up at the hotel and catching up on some email, we caught dinner at a local seafood place. The fish was fresh and simple, and Marc found something he liked as well. Not a super exciting

View of Hazards Beach into Great
Oyster Bay during our hike
day, but a nice one in that we got to be outside when the weather was pleasant and the hike we took was scenic with much to look at.

All that aside, I think with the recent longish hikes that we are happy that tomorrow (Monday) is slated to be a rest day as we venture over to the other side of Tasmania to Cradle Mountain for, you guessed it, more hiking. :-)

Thanks again for tuning in. We really appreciate all of the messages, public and private, about us blogging and posting pics. I will continue to reiterate how fortunate we are to be able to make this journey.

BTW, we have updated with titles many of the pics from Tasmania (through Sunday). Go have a look at:

11 Feb: Bicheno (TAS) --> Freycinet (TAS) --> Cradle Mountain (TAS).


09 Feb : Port Arthur --> Cape Raoul --> Bicheno