We walked Dylan to school with Fiona and then went to the local coffee shop. They do a capuccino with chocolate on top but I've gotten so used to an Americano ("Long Black" down under) that I couldn't taste the coffee whatsoever. I guess straight up coffee is best.
After this we went to Cottesloe Beach and Jill went for a run in mid 30s C heat (HOT) along the beach while I hung out under a tree. After she returned, I went for a swim in the Indian Ocean. There were lots of fish at this beach!
We had a great lunch at John Street Cafe then we ran several errands before heading back to play cricket with Dylan, Fiona, and Andrew. Dylan taught us some things about the game and how it all works (it was the 1st real sign that +Jill's hand/wrist wasn't right as she couldn't even pitch in cricket). We then went back and had a home cooked meal and ate out on the deck.