4 Feb: Hobart (TAS).

View of Cornellian Bay from the Royal Tasmanian
Botanical Gardens during Jill's 5-mile run
Ah, Super Bowl Monday! Who is excited?!

Definitely slept in until 8:30am or so after the long day yesterday. Started the day with me getting in a run along the coast to Cornellian Bay and back through the Botanical Gardens while +Marc swam for a bit. His ankle was a bit stiff so we were hoping that getting it moving in the pool (non-impact) would help. Fortunately it did but we decided to take it easy in walking around Hobart. 

It kind of worked out that we had allocated this day to watch the Super Bowl, which

started at around 11am local time. After icing the ankle, etc., we made our way to a section of town called Sandy Bay. Our research told us that one of the pubs there was going to have the game on and be serving lunch. They actually had the game on our TV in the apartment but we wanted to see if we could get some Tassie-atmosphere.

Super Bowl Monday: Tassie Style!
We missed Beyonce and the 1st half was a bit of a joke. We got situated at the Doctor Syntax Hotel (aka pub) as the 2nd half was starting and before you knew it, the power outage happened in New Orleans. As it was a Monday afternoon, the pub wasn't too crowded but we received assorted questions from locals on the rules of the game, who we "barracked for" (cheered for), etc. Also present was a 49'ers fan but really the bulk of us wanted a more competitive game and we had 21+ deficit going. Not good.

Well I guess the 49'ers woke up during the 30+ minute power outage. BTW, the LIPA references all over my Facebook timeline were classic due to their ineptitude during Hurricane Sandy. The game was interesting all of a sudden and the teams were separated by two points! In the end, the Ravens held on and that was that. But at least we had a good Aussie pub lunch and ended up seeing an interesting game.

After the game, we walked around Sandy Bay and Battery Point, where we found a Long Beach (give it up for the 11561!). Some nice neighborhoods and beautiful weather. Grabbed some dinner at a restaurant where I tried some local mussels (massive) and trumpeter (similar to halibut - good). Caught a sunset by the waterfront and went back. Another fun day and Marc's ankle got better as the day progressed. Woo woo!

05 Feb : Hobart --> SW Tasmania --> Hobart


03 Feb : Adelaide --> Hobart (Tassie)