23 Mar: Port Douglas (QLD) --> Tongue and Opal Reefs (QLD) --> Port Douglas (QLD).

Yeah, it was challenging capturing how rocky it was
on the boat ride out to the reef
We had such a great time snorkeling on Thursday that we decided that we needed to go out for a 2nd time. The only debate we had was whether to go back out with the same company (they have 30+ sites so they would hit different ones if we went) or to go to a completely different part of the Great Barrier Reef. 

We opted for the latter. The weather was supposed to be windy for pretty much the remainder of our time in "Port" but today was the better of the days, so off we went. Let's just say that I was glad that I took the seasickness tablets first thing. In case you didn't know, they are only preventative so if you get seasick and haven't taken anything, you're pretty much on your own. The winds got up to 20 knots and it was a bumpy ride out. I stayed outside and took in the fresh air, which helped a lot. And I wasn't alone. +Marc, on the other hand, was enjoying the upper deck with about 5 other people including the Captain!

And we got to see this up close - just wow!
More awesomeness
in the GBR
Anyway it was sunny at the 1st site and the visibility was pretty good. We saw some different fish and similar ones to the ones we saw the other day. We went off to the 2nd site, and it was raining. Fortunately it didn't affect the visibility so we saw more and more. It was a bit choppy out there so they didn't want us venturing too far away from the boat. Same for the 3rd site. 

The ride back was bumpy, but not as bad as the way out. We got off of the boat and saw one of the crew members from the boat on Thursday. She was laughing and asked about the conditions. Turns out her boat opted not to go out because of the winds. Go figure. Anyway it was nice seeing her for a quick chat before we caught the shuttle back to the hotel.

As we got off of the bus, a couple was waiting for the shuttle to head into town. We learned they were from the Bay Area and that the wife tends to get pretty seasick. And they were going out on the boat we went out on today. Oh boy. We gave them some tips and then gave them the rest of our seasickness tablets. Hope it worked out for them!

Nemo? Are you there?
We showered and had dinner in town at a place called Nautilus (I know what the Pequa folks are thinking). The motif was completely not what you would expect with a name like the Nautilus. I felt like I was in Bali at a resort there. Anyway the food and wine were pretty good, and we were able to get the shuttle back after a long day. Glad we get to sleep in tomorrow.

On another note, the guy from the East Bay reminded me of someone and I couldn't place it immediately. Then it came to me. This guy looked like Shaun O'Hara of Big Blue. Then I checked his Twitter account just to confirm that I wasn't an idiot for not recognizing him and his timeline confirmed he was in NJ. LOL. Bet +Danielle, +t razz, and +sharon would have defriended me for sure after that one! Maybe even +Jarrett as well!

Thanks again for tuning in. We continue to be grateful for all of the comments, likes, messages, emails, etc.

24 March : Port Douglas (QLD)


22 Mar: Port Douglas (QLD) --> Cairns (QLD) --> Port Douglas (QLD).