25 Mar: Port Douglas (QLD).

Bridge over Mossman Gorge
So the only thing we didn't see while we were in the Daintree Rainforest was Mossman Gorge, which is considered a must-see. 

Side note: Did you know that the Daintree Rainforest is the oldest rainforest in history. Yes, older than the Amazon. See - we can be education oriented in these updates!

Anyway we ventured up the 20 km and put on what we hope is the last of the deet (aka poison) to protect us from the mossies. It was raining on and off, so we opted for the shuttle bus from the parking lot to the trailhead. We hiked about 2.5 miles, saw the Gorge, some cassowaries (animals) and other lizzies. It wasn't bad.

Red Claw for Jill
After returning back to Port, we packed, dumped clothes that we have seen way too much of on this trip, and then went out to the beach so Marc could swim and I could run. It was humid and I threw in a couple of speed intervals to see how I would do. All I can say is that I have a lot of work to do. Most of my runs have been of the consistent and steady variety so not having done speedwork in 6 months.... ouch when I am back home. +Marc swam in the "stinger free area" of the beach so it was good.

Marc and his "drink/dessert"
We basically spent the afternoon relaxing, catching some sun and prepping for Sydney, our final stop. Dinner was in town at a place that had some good local seafood other than barramundi (I am "barramundi'ed" out!). Tried some local red claw (crayfish) and snapper. Good stuff. Marc had an after dinner drink that would qualify as a dessert in most places. 

All in all, a nice way to end our time in Queensland. And yeah for hopefully no humidity in Sydney!

Thanks again for tuning in. Your notes are all appreciated.

26 March : Port Douglas --> Sydney


24 March : Port Douglas (QLD)