7 Mar: Noosa (QLD) --> Fraser Island (QLD).

[NOTE: We are now officially on Tropical Cyclone "Sandra" watch, and no, the name is not a joke - for my NYC metro folks.]

Well +Marc and I totally lucked out with the weather had yesterday. Our hike yesterday was briefly interrupted by some rain showers and then it was mostly sunny for he rest of the day. This morning was humid with a storm waiting to happen. I still wanted to get a run in, so I ventured out for 5k around Noosa in some areas that we didn't hike in the previous day. 

I ran on the beach, watched some surfers, tried to avoid some dingoes and other crazy animals, and just attempted to make my time out there respectable. My 1st mile was pretty crappy and then I settled in a bit. Not a great run, but I saw a paddleboarder with a pup on it, which made me think of my friends, Libby and Tricia. :-)

After catching some breakfast, we headed over to "Costa Noosa Espresso" for Marc to get his 'long black'. Given that I am a Godfather (I &II) fan, I loved the name of the place. Fellow fans will get it. Then we headed up north a couple of hours to catch the ferry to Fraser Island. We're now at the point in the trip where the last time I was in these parts was in 1998 on a Contiki tour, so lots of flashbacks. And as luck would have it as we were checking in to the ferry and resort, a Contiki bus pulled up.

Jill and Marc keeping it classy
during sunset
They all looked pretty hungover, tired and happy - to be fair, the same as our group 15 years ago. I was chatting with the bus driver on the way over and he laughed when I told him about my Contiki experience. Apparently not much has changed since my tour or when Lisa and our friend, Tracy, took the tour, which I would say is good, although I AM VERY HAPPY that there wasn't any social media going on back then. ;-) Oh, we did see some dolphins in the water on the ferry ride over.

Sunset on Fraser Island looking towards mainland
We arrived at Kingfisher on Fraser Island and got settled in. I remembered that on the Contiki tour that we were segregated from the "general population" (HA!) once we started walking around the resort. Marc and I grabbed some dinner, found out an all-day tour was included in our agenda and just unpacked. Oh, and we caught a decent sunset as well. 

We are looking forward to seeing what Fraser Island has in store for us. And yes, Tropical Cyclone Sandra (I wish I was kidding about the name) can have a significant impact on our plans next week since we are due to sail in the Whitsundays from Wednesday to Saturday. Fingers crossed that it stays away!

Thanks for tuning in and a happy birthday to brother Glenn....

8 Mar: Fraser Island (QLD).


6 March : Noosa Heads