Oz Travel Note (Special Edition): "The Bat Got Whacked".

[Caption contest alert - puns and everything else fair game.]

[With apologies for the language for some of our younger viewers.]

About 2+ weeks ago, +Marc posted about an incident involving a bat in the room. I wanted to provide some additional context to this event on the trip, thus the 'Special Edition'. 

Marc's post: https://www.facebook.com/notes/marc-beck/12-feb-cradle-mountain-tasmania/10151320047382992

We check in to the Cradle Mountain Lodge in Tasmania after a fairly long day, etc., unpack, walk around the property and then grab a dinner at the pub. It's dark but we are not giving things much thought as we go to bed. While we were sleeping, we both thought a moth was in the room because we both swatted away something a couple of times. Of course in the middle of the night, it suddenly occurred to me that it could be a bat but I didn't verbalize it, which Marc was thankful for. Nevertheless.... great (insert sarcasm mixed with fear here).

We are getting ready to head to breakfast and not 6 inches (I kid you not), there is a black "mound" and I say very loudly, "UHHH, WHAT IS THAT?" And Marc surmised it was a bat, it was now dead and got rid of it. It probably got whacked when Marc turned on the ceiling fan and literally landed 6 inches from my freaking suitcase. 

Can you imagine if I found that thing in my suitcase? I would have completely lost it and said we were going to Melbourne to replace everything in the bag, as well as the bag. I definitely would have screamed. 

Probably a low point of the trip and I thought spraining my wrist/thumb a couple of weeks while hiking was it. Oy! That was nothing compared to the trauma of the batshit (again, apologies for language for our younger viewers) craziness.

Now of course the reactions from the people we have told this story to ranged from:

-- horrified: "wait, you killed the cute bat?"
-- hilarity: "well come on Jill, seeing you have a full meltdown would be awesome! I'd pay for tickets to that!
-- sympathy: "yes, I would have screamed and took the opportunity to buy a new TUMI suitcase."
-- Harv: "so you whacked the bat, huh? Well ok, you do what you gotta do."

On that note, Happy Friday as for most of you reading right now, it's your Friday afternoon....

1 Mar: Sydney (NSW) --> Pokolbin aka Hunter Valley (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW).


28 Feb : Alice Springs --> Sydney