Pacific NW stuff, pennant races and RIP Phil

I would be remiss if I did not comment on the fact that the New York Yankees are now 4 games behind the Red Sox. On May 29th, they were 14+ games behind so this is a huge deal. As luck would have it, they are actually tied for the wildcard lead with – you guessed it – the Seattle Mariners. Looks like the Twinkies couldn’t buy a run if they tried. So that will even things up again. The Yankees have the best record in the majors since June 1st, so I am hoping that they keep up the pressure on the Sawx as well as the other contenders. They have a difficult stretch between now and Labor Day, so stay tuned to see if the Yanks are contenders or pretenders.

I have 2 MVPs on the Yanks and no, it’s not the usual suspects like A-Rod, Jeter, Rocket, Mo or Posada (although he’s up there) – my choice is split between Frick and Frack aka Cano and Cabrera. Even the usually stoic Mike Mussina has commented on their positive impact on the clubhouse with their youthful exuberance. Could this be the year that we reclaim the WS? We’ll see but after Rocket went after Alex Rios in Toronto because of the A-Rod plunking, I think there might actually be some chemistry around the clubhouse for a change and tonight’s win was a prime example of everyone contributing, picking each other up. Look for some commentary from my lovely husband on this topic, who happens to be an M’s fan – I always like to say that we have a “mixed marriage”.

In last week’s Dining & Wine section of the NYT, the Pacific NW received some prominent billing. Alaskan salmon was the topic of an article where the merits of king vs. sockeye salmon. It’s all good, let me assure you. When we were in Chicago and Iowa recently, the servers would offer salmon or halibut – also from Alaska – and we would politely decline. Why bother when you know you can get it fresh at home? Yep, we’re lucky. Or at least I am since I enjoy seafood more than Marc but there’s hope as evidenced by previous entries here, here, here and here. My folks tend to be fans of Chilean Sea Bass, which was also referenced here and here. And then the NYT reviewed Wild Salmon, a new restaurant in NYC that is focused on the bounties of the Pacific NW. My take – why do imitations? Come to Seattle for the real thing.

And yep – Washington state red wines rock if you know where to look. The winery profiled here focuses on Cabs, but there are quite a few good ones over here. Same with Oregon.

RIP Phil Rizzuto – a true Yankee in every sense of the word.


YCMSTU... and then depression set in...


Chicago – food, architecture, music, baseball and…. Galaga