YCMSTU... and then depression set in...

For those of you who are newer readers to the blog and wonder what YCMSTU stands for, it refers to the phrase "you can't make this stuff up".  How many times do you come across some absurd story that makes you sit there and think that you couldn't make this up if you tried.  Well that is what YCMSTU is for.  So when you see it in the blog, now you'll have some idea as to what we're talking about.  And now back to our regularly scheduled programm....

YCMSTU - Sports AND Legal Edition - woo woo!  According to Fox News, Michael Vick is being sued by an inmate in a South Carolina prison for $63 BILLION - yes, that is USD not Japenese Yen - on the grounds that he has ties with Al Qaeda.  The link to the story is above, but my favorite part is the actual filing (it's a PDF so you'll need Adobe Acrobat) made by the plaintiff. 

Say what you want about the recent problems that Mr. Vick has encountered, but after what happened in the Duke lacrosse case (scroll down) I am trying really hard to stick with the good old "innocent until proven guilty" tenet that governs our country.  That being said, dogfighting is a grotesque and an atrocious actvity and I hope we can use this case to help eradicate people participating in it.

Continuing with absurd legal cases, the pants lawsuit is continuingThe plaintiff, who also happens to be a DC Administrative Law Judge, is appealing the judgment against him.  Supposedly this person is up for renewal as a judge and his candidacy has been negatively impacted by all of the bad press he has received because he decided to sue his dry cleaners $54 MILLION (again USD) for losing his pants - they were misplaced and subsequently found.  Unbelievable.  More info here.

And now on to the depressing.... everytime the Yanks start to make you believe in them, they gotta throw in some stinkers to make you wonder if they have what it takes to get to October.  Take tonight's game for example.  Mike Mussina, who makes $11+ MILLION/year, decided to have another crappy outing and put his team in a big hole early in the game.  Mike, giving up a grandslam in the 1st inning doesn't really set thing on the right footing.  And so with the Tigers and loud mouthed Gary Sheffield in town, the Yanks couldn't muster enough offense to come back.... For the entire year, Mussina has been mediocre at best - unfortunately he is signed for another year.  Do us a favor Mike - go back to Pennsylvania. 

Maybe the M's are going to get the wild card; the Yanks aren't playing like they want it.


Just a Couple of Items


Pacific NW stuff, pennant races and RIP Phil