2 Jan: Sydney (NSW) --> Bondi Beach (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW) --> Woollahra (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW).

We got up pretty early and headed over to Bondi (pronounced Bond-eye), one of the eastern suburbs of Sydney. The plan was for +Marc to swim at a pool that looked very different and for me to get a run in along the coast during that time. Then we were going to meet my friend, +Jamie, and his family after for a tour of Bondi and to just hang out for a bit.

The weather was definitely a bit overcast and breezy. Almost stormy like. My run was good, but it was slow. I didn't have any legs, and it was humid for sure. Also lots of steps along the pathway I chose for my run. The backdrop was great and I got to run by the pool, where Marc swam. If you haven't seen the picture of where Marc swam, go to his FB page or mine to see the latest Australian photos.

We found Jamie at Icebergs (swim club) where his daughter was taking lessons, and then we went over to his house to meet his lovely wife, Mel, and his other daughter, Cora. Really nice folks and Jamie told us about cost of living, real estate and a few other interesting things about life in Sydney and in Bondi. Him and Mel were also super generous with their knowledge of some of the areas we were going to be traveling to, particularly our next destination, the Blue Mountains. Hoping to see them again on one of our future swings into Sydney.

After our day trip to Bondi, we headed over to a new restaurant on the Sydney scene called Chiswick. The restaurant is run by the same folks who own the restaurant we were on New Year's Eve. They have a great garden in the back of Chiswick and the food/concept really reminded me of some of the restaurants in Seattle that focus on really fresh ingredients. We both enjoyed it, and continued to stick to our goal of only ordering Australian wines.

We updated and posted a bunch of photos to Flickr, which you can find below:

3 Jan : Sydney


Jan 1 : Sydney