3 Jan : Sydney

This qualifies as "Only in Australia"
Today +Jill and I drove about 90 minutes North of Sydney to Bouddi National Park. The walk starts straight down and we knew we were returning the same way. I guess Crossfit box jumps and step ups are good for something. Maybe I should stop complaining about them during a workout.

Great views - reminiscent of Cinque Terre
The walk was 7 miles and beautiful. Parts of it reminded me of Cinque Terre, particularly the stairs. The first beach we came to at Maitland Bay was deserted when we started. Only 6 people including us and we were all hiking the trail. By the time we returned under 3 hours later there were 3-4 boats in the harbour and another 30+ people on the beach.
Halfway through the hike with "Frick" and "Frack"

The walk went up and down several times with looks at the Pacific Ocean along the way. We stopped at Little Beach for a while and just took it all in. Jill had walking sticks and used them the entire hike. This resulted in a sore upper body the following day.

Sunset from dinner at Mosman Spit
We took the Manly ferry to dinner which is such a beautiful ride. We could see where we walked from South Head all the way to Rose Bay. We also saw the netted Shark Beach again along with a start at the opera house which you cannot stop staring at regardless of how many previous photos you've already taken.

For dinner we ate at an Italian place near Beauty Point / The Spit / Mosman. Great table with a superb sunset view.

4 Jan : Sydney --> Katoomba


2 Jan: Sydney (NSW) --> Bondi Beach (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW) --> Woollahra (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW).