28 March : Sydney

We awoke hungover. We closed down a rum bar and had to be let out by key from the bartender overnight. I wanted to avoid pharmaceuticals so we we went to Max Brenner Chocolate Shop. I got coffee and waffles with chocolate syrup and ice cream. I felt sooooo much better after consuming that.

We then packed up for another beautiful day and a ferry ride to Manly for day two of beach time while we can get it. [In other words, Seattle beaches just aren't the same.] +Jill went for a run while I scoped out lunch spots and sat on the sand.

We ended up eating on the 3rd story of a building on a patio overlooking the beach with some great food - tasty burgers. Most of lunchtime was up there alone and above the beach street chaos. I also went for my second chocolate of the day. A Maltesers chocolate milk shake. Yum.

Jill got a take away Kit Kat / peanut butter shake that was also good that I ended up consuming the significant portion of and boy was it filling.

After walking around the beach more, we caught the ferry back. BTW, more opera house photos were taken on the ferry (both directions). It's an addiction. We hung out at the hotel pool which has been the plan here in the last days before going back to the states.

Our hotel has a relatively new restaurant with decent reviews that uses wood and smoke on almost every dish so we went there for dinner. Delicious! The only downside of the day was the chocolate dessert had too much fruit for me so I didn't order it and my chocolate streak was ruined at the third meal. Probably for the best given the prior chocolate consumed on this one.

29 Mar: Sydney (NSW).


27 Mar: Sydney (NSW) --> Bondi Beach (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW) --> Bondi Beach (NSW) --> Sydney (NSW).