29 Mar: Sydney (NSW).

Well it was time. Time to return to our friends at Crossfit Ignite Sydney, who "took such great care of us" at the beginning of our walkabout. And +Marc and I were in much better 'Crossfit shape' at that point. We walked in and the coaches remembered us and said, "wow, it's been 3 or so months already!". We sighed.

They took note of our modifications (Marc has some tendonitis and I have the gimpy wrist) and made us pay anyway. They wanted to leave us "with something to remember" from our visits there. Marc did a scaled down version (weight wise) of Crossfit Open 13.4 and I did way too many box jumps and air squats with some rowing thrown in. Oy! That said, Marc did a great job on the WOD and had enough energy to cheer me on during mine.

After the WOD, we walked up to Surry Hills where we caught brunch at "Four Ate Five" again, and +Lisa and I got into a marathon GChat session on all sorts of topics. Very entertaining as we waited for a table and for our food. And really after that, it was a nice, ho-hum kind of day....

View from Jill's run: Wedding festivities under the
Sydney Harbour Bridge at the Park Hyatt
The sun came out. We laid by the pool. Wrote out some postcards. Walked over to the Harbour Bridge to catch the sunset. Lovely. Just what we wanted. Oh - and I did squeeze in a quick run around The Rocks, the section of town we are staying in.

We then went back to Rockpool Bar & Grill (this one wins the most visited restaurant - 3rd time over our numerous stays in Sydney). +Erik, one of our friends and is celebrating his birthday today (HOLLA!), connected us with one of the sommeliers there, Michael. Michael has been there all 3 times we have went and has taken great care of us with his selection. He outdid himself last night because we wanted to try something we hadn't had yet and not break the bank. And in case you haven't heard, we have tasted A LOT of wine on this trip from Australia.

The food and wine were great. Incredibly stuffed and thankful for a walk back to the hotel, even if it wasn't that long.

I will be repetitive and continue to thank everyone for the comments, private messages and likes on all of the things that we are posting. We do our best to acknowledge all of them, we promise.


30 March : Sydney


28 March : Sydney